Lisa McSwain
Cullman County Circuit Clerk | Bio

Lisa McSwain
Cullman County Circuit Clerk | Bio
Address | Cullman County Courthouse 500 2nd Avenue SW Room #303 Cullman, AL 35055 |
Circuit Clerk's Office | 8am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday |
Lunch | 12 noon - 1pm, daily |
State and Federal Holidays | Closed |
Bookkeeper, Passports, Absentee Voting | Lisa Andrews | 256-775-4938 |
District Court (Felony) | Crystal Wright | 256-775-4693 |
Child Support, Domestic | Teri Easterwood | 256-775-4799 |
Misdemeanor | Leigh Ann Hinkle | 256-775-4689 |
Circuit and District Civil, Circuit Garnishments | Cheri Griffin | 256-775-4800 |
Small Claims | Elenda Nichols | 256-775-4694 |
Traffic | Jessica Brooks | 256-775-4690 |
Circuit Clerk | Lisa McSwain | 256-775-4654 |
Bookkeeper | Debbie Nelson | 256-775-4691 |
Juvenile | Lindsey Watson-Self | 256-775-4675 |
Circuit Criminal | Ashley Wilhite | 256-775-4798 |
Front Counter | Rhonda Sharpton & Kay Cooper |